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Types of Editing Services


Line Editing 

In line editing, an experienced editor will look at your book line by line and evaluate each sentence. The editor considers word choice and the meaning of each sentence and message you are trying to convey. The editor looks at syntax and determines if a sentence needs to be shortened, re-written or rearranged.  



Substantive Editing

In substantive editing, an editor will look at paragraphs, scenes or chapters to bring unity to the book by restructuring and/or repositioning sentences to clarify and tie together thoughts, ideas and themes. 


Developmental Editing

In developmental editing, the editor looks at the overall organization of the book. The editor will look at the plot, the characters, tense and dialogue. In short, developmental editing looks at if there is consistency, if the chapters in the book are in the correct order, and if the book will be one that readers will enjoy.

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